Dina Stakhnyuk

Certified Medical Assistant

Why did you join the team at Transform Weight Loss?

I was excited to have the opportunity to work alongside Dr. Peter Billing and Dr. Eric Harris. They have helped me grow professionally in so many ways that I otherwise wouldn’t have had access. Being a part of their patient care team helps drive me to become a better version of myself.

What’s your specialty?

That would be patient care as a Certified Medical Assistant with a primary focus on bariatric surgery. Some like to call us the backbone of the medical facility and that’s something I won’t disagree with.

What’s the biggest reward of your job?           

Without a doubt the people around me. Our hard work speaks for itself. I am confident that I work with some of the most skilled medical professionals in the field.

What would surprise people about you?

I am a first-generation American. I came to the greatest country in the world back in 1997. My uncle was a medical doctor in Ukraine and it was he that inspired my passion for medicine care. I was always be thankful to him for that inspiration.

What do you during your spare time?

Cooking. It combines so many types of skills to get to the final result. One must think like a scientist, organize like an accountant, and dish like an artist. This is something I enjoy doing on day-to-day basis.