Eric Harris, MD, FACS

Bariatric, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Dr. Harris is a Bariatric, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist. After doing his surgical residency at the Mayo Clinic and beginning his practice in the Southwest, he’s spent over 20 years here in the Pacific Northwest.

What’s your specialty?
That would be cosmetic, bariatric, and reconstructive surgery.

Why did you join Transform Weight Loss?
“Dr. Billing and his team at Transform are already helping so many patients in lots of ways. Adding my skillset to the mix will give people the full spectrum of resources for making a full Transformation, all at one place.”

What would you like your patients to know about you?
“Our patients are amazing. They are strong, resilient, and full of life. Helping them achieve wellness and an appearance that reflects who they are, is the best part of what I do.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?
“I play guitar, enjoy getting out and savoring the beautiful Pacific Northwest and spending time with my family. We are very fortunate to live here.